Air transport

09.06.2021, 14:44
A court in the Netherlands added to the case of the MH17 plane crash the testimony of witnesses about the absence on the day of the tragedy of the Buk air defense missile system in Zaroshchenskoye, controlled by the Ukrainian armed forces.
04.06.2021, 17:32

Planes of state-owned companies are prohibited from flying over the EU countries and landing at it's airports.

02.06.2021, 11:58
Belarus intends to apply to ICAO in connection with the ban of some countries on the use of their airspace in relation to Belarusian air carriers.
31.05.2021, 15:04

According to the schedule on the website of company, the morning flight and the evening flight were canceled.

31.05.2021, 10:51

The plane was en route from Dublin to Krakow.

28.05.2021, 13:34
According to the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation, after the incident with the Ryanair plane landing in Minsk, Russia does not interrupt communication with anyone and deepens the dialogue.
27.05.2021, 14:22
An Air France flight from Paris to Moscow was completely canceled on Thursday, as new permission to enter Russian territory was still not received.
26.05.2021, 16:25
The plane of the Belarusian airline "Belavia" did not enter the airspace of Poland because of the French ban on flying over its territory.
26.05.2021, 12:53

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said that after the announcement of the bomb, neither Vilnius, nor Warsaw, nor Lvov, nor Kiev wanted to accept the Ryanair plane.

26.05.2021, 10:39
Russian woman Sofia Sapega detained in Minsk may be charged under Article 130 of the Criminal Code of Belarus, the sanction of which provides for up to 12 years in prison.
24.05.2021, 14:03

The European People's Party (EPP), the largest faction in the European Parliament, has called on the EU to completely cut off flights with Belarus after an emergency in Minsk.

24.05.2021, 10:15
A commission to investigate the situation with the landing of the Ryanair aircraft has been created in Belarus, the circumstances will be made public in the near future.
24.05.2021, 10:02
Turkey proposed to Russia a model for creating conditions for safe tourism, which was previously used in relation to Germany.
19.05.2021, 17:23
There is no date for the resumption of flights between Russia and Turkey, but Ankara believes that they will be able to persuade Moscow to resume flights.
19.05.2021, 13:45
In the Belarusian city of Baranovichi, a military plane crashed into a private house on takeoff, the pilots died.


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